DC Cookie

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Airplane Chivalry

It takes a lot to get my blood boiling, but when common courtesty is foregone, I lose my patience. On the airplane the other day, a petite little woman struggled to the very back of the plane with a large carry-on. She asked the flight attendant for assistance and he offered none. In my good samaritan nature, I spotted a few small gym bags taking up space in a large bin and offered to help her rearrange the bags so she could fit her larger bag overhead. I removed one of the gym bags and went to place it gently in the bin directly across the aisle. The owner of said gym bag happened to be a large and very angry man who proceeded to yell at me for "touching his stuff." I explained exactly what I was doing, that there was room for his smaller bag directly (did I mention directly?) across the aisle, but he was so lost in the 'entitlement' he felt he had to that particular bin that he failed to see the bigger picture. He got out of his seat, removed the bag from my hands, shoved it back into it's original place and cursed me out for being 'rude,' (interesting perception of rude, I might add). At this point, I told him in a very loud and uncharacterstically stern voice that I was sorry that his mother raised him to be so selfish. We exchanged a few more words as I proceeded back to my seat. The woman with the larger carry-on had already taken off to (presumably) check her suitcase. Poor thing.

Did I also mention that the gym-bag man had an empty center seat under which he could have put his bag without disturbing his leg room? Did I also mention the male flight attendant just stood in the back of the aircraft watching this all take place?

I have no tolerance for selfishness. I also have no tolerance for US Airways. I just switched my business travel to Southwest.


  • At July 25, 2006 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It was probably just an oversight that he didn't explain that he'd paid the rudeness surcharge, entitling him to treat the plane as his personal Gulfstream and you as an intruder. Did you ask to see his Diamond-Level Elite A--hole card?

    Really, either some moms aren't getting the message across or their kids figure if she's not looking anything goes. Disgusting.

  • At July 25, 2006 7:56 AM, Blogger Asian Mistress said…

    Awww you are such a good person :)

    What a tool (the guy) and the flight attendant was just lazy...cause usually they are the ones that rearrange stuff...

  • At July 25, 2006 8:52 AM, Blogger Way-to-go-Grace said…

    I hear ya on that, Cookie. While I was up in PA, US Airways flight attendants and passengers were PARTICULARLY awful. Yuck.

  • At July 25, 2006 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ugh. Just ugh. I find that air travel tends to bring out both the best and the worst of people. It's obvious which of those applies to you and which applies to him...not that I'm surprised. :-)

  • At July 25, 2006 9:11 AM, Blogger Phil said…

    How can anyone yell at the Cookie?!!

  • At July 25, 2006 9:13 AM, Blogger Heather B. said…

    I love Southwest. They're so nice and helpful. US Air is the devil. I've always been convinced of it and now I am certain.

  • At July 25, 2006 10:09 AM, Blogger KassyK said…

    Wow...I cannot deal with that either. What is the problem with some people nowadays...Great way you put it--So caught up in his sense of entitlement--These people cannot see the bigger picture nor do they care. Ignorance. :-(

  • At July 25, 2006 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Would'nt you rather deal with rude passengers and unhelpful flight attendants, rather than hike all the way up to BWI to catch Southwest. (although I hear they do have a handfull of flight out of DCA)

  • At July 25, 2006 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The sense of entitlement people have today really is appalling. Keep on being a considerate person, I like to think people like him get what they deserve eventually.

  • At July 25, 2006 10:50 AM, Blogger *** said…

    A few things:

    1. I hate US Airways and United. Figures that they're partners.

    2. I hate rude people on planes, and the guy had no right to yell at you - but I also hate when people bring gigantic carry-on bags and expect to be able to smash them in to small spaces. If you've got a big carry-on, you better get on early to fit it into the overhead.

  • At July 25, 2006 11:29 AM, Blogger Brian said…

    I will be flying with the US Airheads this weekend, so you can imagine how much this post makes me look forward to it.

    UPDATE: In a press statement after the fact, the 'gentleman' in question offered this explanation:
    "I lashed out. It was shame and frustration. I mean, here was this beautiful woman who is clearly and obviously out of my league, and she was being a better man than I am. I mean, when she moved my gym bag it was like she took my manhood. There wasn't much to begin with, so you can imagine how much it hurt. All I could do is scream in impotent, self-loathing rage, clutch my precious duffel and hold back the tears." The flight attendant mentioned in the story could not be reached for comment, after being trapped in the aisle behind the drink cart, unable to free himself. The merits of rescue were still being debated as of press time.

  • At July 25, 2006 11:54 AM, Blogger Barbara said…

    There is something about airplanes that brings out the asshole in many people. I have a couple of good friends who are now air stewardesses (or whatever the polite term for them is), but most of them are no better than the Walmart worker who knows nothing about what he is selling. You have to be an advocate for yourself and any others who are timid to survive air travel these days!

  • At July 25, 2006 12:20 PM, Blogger Carrie Broadshoulders said…

    Southwest will also be using Dulles soon. Not that anyone would rather go there than DCA either.

    I think the flight attendants across the board on the major carriers are rude. I was on a flight to London on American Airlines and the flight attendants were the biggest bitches I had ever seen. I guess the international flight attendants have seniority and are the old union bitches they can't fire. Plus they now charge for booze on international flights on American carriers so I'm thinking from here out it's Lufthansa or BA if I'm going to Europe.

  • At July 25, 2006 12:22 PM, Blogger Carrie Broadshoulders said…

    You should have looked to see if he had a wedding ring. If not, you should have remarked on how you now understand why such a thoughtful, caring gentleman like him is still single.

  • At July 25, 2006 2:10 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    People turn in to such assholes when they travel. My favorite airplane crap is when people get pissed off if they can't get on the plane right away, so they stand there hovering where the line is until their row is called. Um...seriously. What the hell? The plane isn't leaving without you man!

  • At July 25, 2006 2:51 PM, Blogger Raincouver said…

    Cookie, that was very nice of you. I've only flown US Airways a couple of times (STAR Alliance) and they were okay.

    The joys of flying.

  • At July 25, 2006 3:09 PM, Blogger The Senator said…

    I would have had your back. You should fly an Adam A500 next time. Bwhahah...

  • At July 25, 2006 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'll chime in... I have my own "US Air are a buncha punk-ass-bitches" story.

    So I have a business trip planned to Pitt on Wednesday (tomorrow)...With US Air

    I find out Sat. that my grandmother passed away and that the funeral was/is on Tuesday/Today. I called US Air and explained the situation and ask that they somehow work with me as it would be extremely convenient not to have to contact another airline to book a flight when all I was really doing was adding one additional leg to my trip. Well, after 45 minutes on hold and 3 transfers later, they informed me that the ticket would be $800… in addition to the $450 I was already paying. So they broke down the charges… It was the ticket price, less $450, plus $100 change fee. I asked if that was the bereavement rates and apparently US Air doesn’t “do” bereavement rates any longer.

    In fairness, I did call many other airlines and none seem to mind the “stick-it-in and break-it-off” approach b/c the lowest quote I got was $600… Is it really so difficult to simply waive the 21 day ticket purchase requirement?

    It has nothing to do with what I can and cannot afford… Right, wrong, or indifferent… I refused to pay those rates on principle if nothing else…

  • At July 25, 2006 9:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    1. Large carry-ons annoy me, as people usually can't even maneuver them down the aisle, and they rarely fit in the overhead without some work.
    2. I hate unnecessary rudeness even more. Good for you for caling the dude out.

    I can't help but think if you were still wearing the booty skirt, the guy would have been too intimidated to say a word.

  • At July 25, 2006 10:16 PM, Blogger VP of Dior said…

    i think you will now have good airplane travel karma from now on.

    seriously though i would have taken the guys bag and dumped it on his lap.

    and US Airways def sucks. they've lost my luggage on THREE different occasions.

  • At July 26, 2006 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    could you have asked to handle the man's bags before moving them?

  • At July 26, 2006 12:05 PM, Blogger El Guapo in DC said…

    I will find both the rude passenger and the male stewardess and bring them to you.

  • At July 29, 2006 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I gotta admit, unless the petite woman was an older grey-haired lady, I just ignore large carry-ons. They bug me, esp when the carrier is completely unaware that the bulky bag is bouncing off of other people.

    That being said, were I in your shoes I'm pretty sure I would've chucked his bag down the aisle.

  • At August 25, 2006 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have been a flight attendant for seven years, and I have this to say...

    It is in no way part of our job desciption to handle baggage of any kind. We are not baggage handlers.

    In fact, if we injure ourselves, by being NICE and helping someone with their baggage, it isn't COVERED by workers comp, because we were doing something that was NOT part of our job.

    On the other hand, I am ALWAYS finding knooks and crannies on an airplane where we can stash someone's bags. If someone needs a place to put their carry-on, I try to find every possible place to stow it without having to check it.

    On the flip side, if someone is being an asshole about demanding ME stow their bag, not only do I NOT help them, but I make sure they march up to the front and check it. I am not being paid to take abuse from the flying public...

    I am always Moving bags around to make MORE room. But the trick is to ask around, well more like TELL the people around said bag, that I am GOING to move someone's bag whether they like it or not.

  • At October 02, 2007 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    While I agree that rude behavior is annoying, I don't agree with DC Cookie's notion that somehow it was the "male" flight attendant that should have stepped in to resolve the situation. It is cool that you decided to do something yourself, DC Cookie, it is not cool to place the responsibility solely on the male flight staff. Why not take any female flight attendants to task?

    Men and women should be courteous and respectful to each other. "Chivalry", at least in these times of supposed equal rights, should encompass both genders. I personally find women who want their equality only when it suits them to be particularly annoying. Likewise those that believe that they should still receive preferential treatment. There is nothing wrong with a woman holding a door open for a man. Fortunatly, I do see that. So maybe there is hope.


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