DC Cookie

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Beslan Remembered

At the end of the 'Skins game last night, I was bored and decided to do a quick channel surf before calling it a night. I flipped over to HBO and came across this gorgeous little girl doing an interview. I paused for a moment to see what the documentary was about, and that was it...for the next hour I was glued to the television, sobbing uncontrollably.


The film was called 'Children of Beslan,' and recounts the events of the 3-day terrorist tragedy at a large school in Beslan last year, solely from the voice of the children who were there.


I really lost it when the camera was pointed on a little boy visiting the grave of his best friend. As he places a few toy trucks on the soil, he says, "I really miss my friend. He was a nice boy. He used to let me play with his trucks when I didn't have any of my own toys." He then pours some Sprite on the grave for his friend to have. Later, a little girl is shown making a pie and placing a large slice on the grave of her dead mother.


The topic is really too depressing to discuss in any more detail. Watch the film. It gives you a whole new perspective on why we fight a war on terror.


  • At September 20, 2005 11:33 AM, Blogger DC said…

    Oh I know!! I saw that special last weekend and was such a mess afterwards... imagine sitting stone faced with a foreign reporter talking about how your father was summarily executed in the next room and you saw it happen? Bless their tiny hearts..

  • At September 20, 2005 11:39 AM, Blogger Washington Cube said…

    I watched this earlier, Cookie, and it haunted me the rest of the day. I could not get those children out of my mind. So many horrible visuals: children calmly reporting bodies that exploded or burned before them. Two things that stuck with me: one child said "People think little children don't understand, but we do understand," and the other saying "We are not kids anymore. We are grown-up," said by an eight-year old. It's a sad world when someone that young has been exposed to such terror, loss and mourning.

  • At September 20, 2005 11:41 AM, Blogger Kathryn Is So Over said…

    I know I can't watch this. Thank you for summing it up.

    I can not go back to the state I was in after watching TLC's The Babies of 9/11 on 9/11/02. I have a feeling this would do it.

  • At September 20, 2005 3:49 PM, Blogger A Unique Alias said…

    I just can't believe the kids in Beslan do the "One for my Homies" toast.


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