DC Cookie

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Putting The Great In Grandma

Besides being the location of my conception and birth, there are many reasons to spend an exorbitant amount of cash for non-spacious, inconvenient, regional jet flights to Montreal; the top being that it has long been the residence of Grandma Cookie. Lil Sis and I had not been back since our cousins were married (no, not to each other) two years ago, so we planned a Thanksgiving day excursion to spend some quality time with the eldest of the clan.

Dave, Jess, Grandma
Big Cuz, Cookie and Grandma Cookie

Jess, Grandma
Prior to shoveling some Montreal smoked-meat.

Baking 7
Lil Sis and Grandma bake the best shortbread in the universe.

Sadly, visits to Grandma are never close enough together, as they are so very necessary for the soul. Her house is a museum of comfort and her tiny hugs quench that indefatigable thirst for acceptance. What I adore about my trips to Grandma's split-level manse is that nothing changes...ever. Her book shelf holds a stack of Maclean's magazines written before I was born; her medicine cabinet is a functioning tribute to a 1950s pharmacy; her walls sport decades-old, tacky Christmas gifts from her grandchildren; and games of cut-throat cribbage are played using a card deck virtually as old as her.






I have often said that Grandma is one of my most notable idols. All of her fascinating tales of adolescent struggle are laced with a positive downplay. She is so much more than a minister's wife who has long outlived the minister. She is a humble, faithful Christian; a healthy, active community member (with, according to her cardiologist, a heart as strong as Lance Armstrong's in training); a doting, generous parent; and a simple, frugal businesswoman who converted a preacher's pension into a reasonable fortune purely for the benefit of her legacy. She is an iconic example of how to live and love in a world devoid of material possessions. Throughout her fiercely independent life she asks for nothing and gives everything.

grandma, scott 5
Our 'great' Grandma becomes a Great Grandma at the birth of Lil' Second Cuz.

Her children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren are blessed to share in her continued wisdom and live according to her selfless example.


  • At November 30, 2006 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This post, the last paragraph in partucular, coupled with the one before it obviously says she needs more great grandchildren.

  • At November 30, 2006 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Aww Cookie, that was swell visiting with her, however remote. It's a loving tribute to not only Grandma Cookie, but almost everyone's granny. It brought tears to my eyes. Really, the pharmacopeia alone was worth the price of admission. Just darling. And the McLean's from goodness knows when, just funny. (Wait I can't remember that far back!) And the very precise cookie sheet (waste not want not), just well, precious. And I miss those damn split levels! So efficient, tidy & sturdy. They were definitely period pieces, and never made the same way in the States. I've almost never seen a bigger smile from you either. Perhaps with the babes though. Speaking of total babes, if that was your sister on that night on the town all dolled up, tell her from me that she looked like a total babe in that pseudo 007 shot. But thanks for the visit! Cheers & Good Luck! 'VJ'

  • At December 01, 2006 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I really enjoyed this post Cookie. Apropos more things Canadian I made a rash prediction here & elsewhere last year when I said that we'd see the emergence of the fabled NW Passage thru the Arctic in our lifetimes, possibly as soon as 20 years from now. Well the US Navy is planning for it coming sooner.
    [http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2006/11/29/202058/65] Tell 'em to leave the lights on for us! Cheers & Good Luck! 'VJ'

  • At December 01, 2006 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yeah -- what cjt said!!!!

    And that medicine stash - SAME as my grandparents!! (and they still have the tin band-aids box to boot).

  • At December 01, 2006 10:36 AM, Blogger Phil said…

    When you think about it, no one loves you more than Grandma.

  • At December 01, 2006 12:08 PM, Blogger Phil said…

    Oh, and by the way that medicine cabinet is fantastic.

    It is how Bon discovered our Corporate Sponsor, English Leather, when he found the soap on a rope at his grandparents' house.


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