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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Toilet Statistics

When you wander into a public washroom (that's Canadian for restroom) that has multiple stalls, which one do you instinctively choose? Believe it or not, the math geek in me ponders this question every time I relieve myself away from home. So I'm putting it to the test.

For ease of discussion, let's assume there are 5 stalls in our sample public loo and all of them are empty upon arrival.

  • Do you use the first stall because it is the closest, or because you have waited until the brink of explosion?
  • Do you use the handicapped stall because you prefer the leg room?
  • Do you use the fourth stall because you presume that this is the stall that the fewest number of others would choose?
  • Do you use the same stall each and every time because you are a creature of habit?
  • Do you use one stall for #1 and a different stall for #2?
  • Do you choose the fifth stall because you want to take a quick two-minute power nap and you are least likely to be disturbed there?
  • Do you choose the first or fifth stall because you want to be as far away as possible from the next person who might join you in your waste disposal?

When your dad is an actuary, this is how you are raised to think...


  • At July 26, 2006 8:17 AM, Blogger JordanBaker said…

    You use the first stall near the door, because studies ten years ago showed that the fewest people use that one, and therefore it has the least germs.

    And then you start thinking about the number of other people who've seen the same study in the last ten years and started using the first stall for the same reason, and you realize that's probably no longer true.

    And then you shrug, use the one that's available, put down two seat-gards, and hope for the best.

  • At July 26, 2006 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You must play this game. I'm a girl, so haven't run into this *particular* set of problems, but I actually did very well. Never thought to attribute it to Dad's over-analytical actuarial mind, but OK...


  • At July 26, 2006 10:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ha! I was going to say what jordan did. I guess I'm one of those 'study' people. Next time I visit the loo I might have to rethink my strategy!

  • At July 26, 2006 12:29 PM, Blogger lordscarlet said…

    #1 Everyone knows stall (and espcially urinal) selection is based on the current and projected occupancy. You never choose one adjacent to someone currently using it. If you come into an empty restroom, you choose one that allows the optimal number of people without using adjacent stalls/urinals. Barring that, I use the one farthest from the door.

    #2 Handicapped stalls are for handicapped people. I use it only as a last resort, or if I have to change in the bathroom.

  • At July 26, 2006 12:44 PM, Blogger Heather B. said…

    I always use the middle stall. I also always use a seat cover. And always pray that I won't emerge with some newly discovered disease.

  • At July 26, 2006 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm with Jordan - I heard that study, and almost always use the first one too!

  • At July 26, 2006 12:51 PM, Blogger Carrie Broadshoulders said…

    I use the cleanest one.

  • At July 26, 2006 12:55 PM, Blogger Carrie Broadshoulders said…

    And you can't boast about saving the handicap stall for handicapped people and then say you use it to change...some poor old woman in her wheelchair has to wet her depends while you put on your evening wear? Mean!

    Also, the handicap stall only wins out if it's the last one...otherwise, like someone else said, everyone can see you.

    My favorite are bathrooms with rooms instead of stall...where the door and walls go all the way down. I don't even like people seeing my feet...it's weird.

  • At July 26, 2006 1:48 PM, Blogger Raincouver said…

    someone sent me a link to an animated test on the subject... quite funny.

    Personally, I like peeing on the bushes outside, when my boss is not looking.

  • At July 26, 2006 2:38 PM, Blogger Alejandra Ramos said…

    I also try to figure that out every time I go. I don't think about it too hard, but it's always there in the back of my mind...

  • At July 26, 2006 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oprah actually did a piece about 8 years ago (who knows how long ago it really was) and I definitely remember her saying to use the ones closet to the door because everyone goes far down because they THINK that it's cleaner...but it isnt.

    I'd email Oprah... I'm sure she's updated more recently on public restroom cleanliness.

  • At July 26, 2006 4:12 PM, Blogger Bad at Life said…

    I go for the 5th stall, provided it is against the wall. I don't like the first stall because it is the closest to the rest of the bathroom while the 5th guarantees at least one side will remain unoccupied.

  • At July 26, 2006 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lets be honest
    when going #1... it doesnt matter what the location is, what matters is cleanliness. look for the most decent looking stall.
    when going #2...choose the stall that is the farthest away from anyone else currently using, and proceed to wait until they leave before you go ahead and "go." Or if the restroom is empty, choose the one with the least possibility of someone coming in beside you and go as fast as you can to avoid being walked in on.

  • At July 26, 2006 5:24 PM, Blogger Marci said…

    As Jordan states...

    First stall, because it's statistically the less germy.

    No one ever goes in the first stall in my office. At 11am it will still have the blue rings signifying "clean" that were left by the cleaning staff the night before.

  • At July 27, 2006 3:05 AM, Blogger Moxie said…

    I would say second closest to the door is the most used, Which is why, yes, I'd go to the 4th. Funny, I've always thought about this law of probability as well. Wen you figure out the least used/cleanest let us know. Ironically, it's probably in the men's room.

  • At July 27, 2006 5:14 PM, Blogger cs said…

    When going #1, I like to use a urinal unless of course I'm in a foul mood and want to piss all over the seat.

    #2 relies on cleanliness and not much else, except that I avoid the middle stall.

  • At July 27, 2006 5:41 PM, Blogger VP of Dior said…

    well the occasion for the bathroom visit is very important.

    for sex- use the handicap stall. people are less likely to look underneath the door.

    for #1 - usually the middle stall

    for#2- farthest stall away from the door

    for naps (during work) - handicap stall because you can rest your head on the bar

    i have clearly put too much thought into this.

  • At July 27, 2006 7:12 PM, Blogger Drunken Chud said…

    ok, in men's rooms there is a science. for example, if you're going to piss you go to the first stall, and then proceed to fill each consecutive stall thereafter. however, you only use the stall when all the urinals are taken up. when in need of dropping a deuce i always opt for the handicrapper. fuck them saying it's for cripples, cuz in my 27 years i have never once denied a cripple their stall because i have never been in the bathroom when "one of them" was. and even if i were to enter the bathroom the same time as a wheelie, sorry bout his luck cuz i gots me some legs and i'm gettin to the suite before him. ha!

  • At July 27, 2006 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I thought girls didn't Poop!

  • At July 28, 2006 2:21 PM, Blogger Super Mommie said…

    It's a hard call. At work I go to the last stall - more leg room (sometimes I get wobbly playing the balance-while-you-pee game, 9 years of habit.

  • At July 28, 2006 2:49 PM, Blogger Barbara said…

    I use the handicap stall if there is no one else who obviously needs it because the toilet is often higher. Go figure... What I am curious about is the high number of people who will not use a public toilet unless it has a paper cover on the seat. Didn't someone prove a long time ago that you don't get VD from toilet seats?

  • At July 30, 2006 9:28 PM, Blogger Sandra Dee said…

    That is hilarious. I have to admit, I have often wondered why I never choose the first stall and how I always feel guilty about using the handicapped one! :)

  • At November 28, 2010 8:57 PM, Blogger dancilhoney said…

    Hey how did you know what's on our mind when it comes for choosing what toilet partitions we will use? You are great keep posting!


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