DC Cookie

Thursday, June 08, 2006


My thoughts on this post need to be expanded. Yes, all women are inherently "psycho." It's called estrogen. We're sensitive little creatures who think a lot (men might argue we think too much).

At Science Club a while back, I was reviewing a picture of a periodic table on the basement wall, and humourously began comparing the stability of the elements to the stability of the female psyche.


On the left side, you have your 'laid-back' metals. It takes a lot of drama to get them to react to anything. Their men can walk all over them, and they'll accept it blindly. They prefer to oxidize, rather than expressing any variety of emotion. Stay far away from these women, they present zero challenge. They're basically a subservient womb without a voice or a personality.

On the right side you have your non-metals and your hyperactive gases. The further to the bottom of the chart you go, the more dangerous and explosive. These are the women that get jealous if you spend a 1/2 an hour with your sister and think you're cheating on them if you switch your cologne. Stay far, FAR away from these women. They are constantly in therapy because they don't listen to their therapists advice.

The ideal woman is a PT (platinum). She knows that she is high quality, so she doesn't have to throw a temper tantrum to get a man's attention. She is incredibly confident. She will cry when there is something worth crying about, but she won't be unreasonable and her extreme emotions never linger. She will tell you what she desires. She won't settle for less than her deserved, complete satisfaction, but she will compromise to achieve it. She will speak her mind, but she will debate and discuss instead of fighting, and she'll happily admit when she is out of line. She has a solid and mature grasp of her array of feelings, and will explain her infrequent, hormonal outbursts in words that a man will understand and appreciate. When she is angry, it is likely that she has reason to be. But she is quick to forgive and she never holds a grudge. She is perplexing and deep. She enjoys compliments and attention, but does not require nor demand them (she is not high maintenance). She is easy-going, but she is not a pushover. She recovers quickly from a loss, but remembers with adequate fondness. She has substantial character; a strong awareness of self and a broad empathy for her peers.

The platinum still has "psychotic" moments. No matter where a woman falls on the table, her estrogen levels will always ebb and flow. But on the psycho-meter of femininity, it's the platinum a man needs to hang on to.


  • At June 08, 2006 1:13 PM, Blogger KassyK said…

    Oh I love to consider myself a Platinum who sometimes goes overboard with emotional and sometimes shuts down like an ice hut. But I love this post...there are good women out there...normal women. Just like there are good men. Heres to you Cookie! Your shot of water is on me tomorrow.

  • At June 08, 2006 3:49 PM, Blogger Bad at Life said…

    Hmm, I'm pretty sure that I've been involved with way too many volatile elements. If only all women had a little atomic number stamped on them somewhere.

  • At June 08, 2006 9:58 PM, Blogger Drunken Chud said…

    it's been my experience that if you polled one million women, 750k of them would say they are platinum. when in fact, all one million, are U-239. but that's why we love you. we are the graphite control rods to your uncontrolled reactions. when he get in too far the reaction slows and nothing ever happens (oppressive relationship). when we're all the way out the reaction is chaotic and unstoppable (women living together). and i have so carried on this metaphor waaaaaay too long.

  • At June 09, 2006 1:51 PM, Blogger DC Cookie said…

    Chud, you are absolutely correct. In the same way that all female spurned lovers say "I was the best thing that ever happened to him." For the most part, the women are kidding themselves...

    A platinum woman doesn't ever say those words because she doesn't have to spend time convincing others of her value. She knows her value, and lets the man discover it on his own. A rarity, definitely.

  • At June 09, 2006 4:14 PM, Blogger Washington Cube said…

    That chart gave me a headache. :::head tilt::: Oh, wait. I'm blonde.

  • At June 09, 2006 5:10 PM, Blogger Barbara said…

    Is this how you explain mood swings? Those hormonal fluctuations push me right off of any chart sometimes. This is hilarious!

  • At June 09, 2006 5:19 PM, Blogger DC Cookie said…

    Yep! Instead of "I have a headache," you can say the following:

    "Sorry Honey, I'm a bit ununoctium today..."


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