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Friday, June 30, 2006

It's Chronic

If you've spent any amount of time with me, you will have experienced my chronic illness. It's related to my romantic relationship with the camera. I love my reflection, whether good or bad. It could be 7am after a morning jog (no makeup, dripping with sweat) and I'll still be drawn to my own visual facsimile. If there is a mirror in my vicinity, I will look in it. A puddle, someone's sunglasses, a reflective vending machine, a glass-framed painting, a beer stein, a computer screen, a Rolex, a car window, a microwave, a calculator, a water bottle...

So if you go out to dinner with me, don't be surprised if my eyes wander around the room to...myself. I just can't help it.

Jess in Mirror


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