DC Cookie

Monday, May 29, 2006

How To Train For A 10-K: The Break-Up Diet

Who knew that all I needed to do to prepare for this 10-K that I'll be running in mid-June was to suffer a painful emotional loss? Based on my success this holiday weekend, I bring you Cookie's 15-steps to training for a distance race:
  1. Force feed yourself a bowl of cereal in the morning, and then don't eat for the rest of the day.
  2. Travel to a location for the weekend where your ex will be so you are guaranteed to run into him 15 times. Be sure to surround yourself with no less than 8 of your best girls, and maybe even a few of your boys too. They are excellent diversions and roadblocks.
  3. Drink a handle of Grey Goose on an empty stomach. For kicks, mix in a few shots of Grand Marnier.
  4. Dance your tail off and then shovel a slice of pizza to absorb some of the alcohol. This is the only time you'll actually be able to eat more than 200 calories.
  5. Cry.
  6. Go to sleep at 3:30 am. Wake up at 8:00 am. Your energy won't be coming from adequate sleep anyway.
  7. Drink 12 ounces of water, pop 2 Excedrin, and suit up for a jog.
  8. Bring a sympathetic running partner, and a fully-juiced ipod (however, be sure to skip past 'Incomplete' by the Backstreet Boys, because that would just be self-torture).
  9. Run past your ex's beach house. This will help you set a faster-than-average pace.
  10. Feel the endorphins kick in and realize that you just can't stop running. This is the best you will feel all day.
  11. Pass some gardners to get hosed down and stay cool while you emulate Forrest Gump.
  12. When your legs finally give in (this won't happen for at least 80 minutes), stretch, shower, and sit out in the sun for a few hours.
  13. Force feed yourself a liquid smoothie and more water. Don't eat again for the rest of the day.
  14. Cry again, get your girlfriends to make you laugh, shake it off, then take your time getting ready for a long, fun day.
  15. Repeat steps 3 through 14. Twice.

By the end of this intensive weekend training process, you will never want to see another vodka drink or slice of pizza, but you will absolutely be ready to race. And it might help, temporarily, to take your mind off what it is that you're missing so terribly. Besides, you know that in a few weeks, you'll be just fine...

**Oh, and on an unrelated note, thanks to Maureen (I think...because I was at least 5 drinks in when I met her) for having the guts to introduce herself to me and ask me if I was DC Cookie. It's encounters like those that keep me wanting to write. Hope to see you at the next happy hour.


  • At May 30, 2006 1:01 AM, Blogger Moxie said…

    To bring up another Forrest Gump refrence... "You never know what you're going to get". Real love is rare and when it is found it is a true gift. I do believe everything happens for a reason. When time passes, you move on, hopefully to the next amazing chapter in your life. You didn't know you'd find him and now, even though it's hard to imagine, something (or someone) great is waiting for you again! Glad to see you have a focus to keep you busy in the meantime. ~ Best wishes.

  • At May 30, 2006 9:34 AM, Blogger Phil said…

    I say skip the 10k and do the rest.

  • At May 30, 2006 9:36 AM, Blogger Jinxy said…

    Which 10K you doing? James River Scramble in Richmond?

  • At May 30, 2006 9:39 AM, Blogger DC Cookie said…

    The ever-so-ironic 'Lawyers Have Heart' race to benefit the AHA, June 10th, Washington Harbour. I run it every year.

  • At May 30, 2006 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You're gonna need that liver to get through the race, love. Be kind to yourself, and good luck with the runnin'.

  • At May 30, 2006 9:53 AM, Blogger KassyK said…

    I had an almost identical weekend a few months ago after my breakup...its amazing how things happen that way huh? Alcohol for me is amazing when you are drunk and dancing and then you are just even sadder the next day. I hope you feel a little more yourself every day...itll get there...:-)

  • At May 30, 2006 10:35 AM, Blogger Kathryn Is So Over said…

    Cookie, you know that lifestyle is untenable. I'm a huge fan of the breakup diet - been on it more times than I care to admit - but this is overkill. Pace yourself, my love.

    Otherwise you might end up crying at a party at 6am while waiting an hour for a cab with a new girlfriend who has to shield you from inquiring eyes. ;)

  • At May 30, 2006 10:42 AM, Blogger DC Cookie said…

    Hahaha - yeah, I joked about that incident with the man who go the brunt of it himself this weekend. It's good to be able to laugh in hindsight.

    And yes, this post was just a joke, sweetheart, but thanks for looking out for me. The running thing I can't stop. I'm currently obsessed. But the over-drinking was just because I was in Dewey for Memorial Day. It's just what people do there...

  • At May 30, 2006 1:38 PM, Blogger Mamma Bear said…

    And it's posts like this one that makes me love you you! :)

  • At May 30, 2006 2:27 PM, Blogger O-FACE said…

    few shots of Grand Marnier
    I knew we had something in common...Keep your head up...Could of been worse, he could of left you for another female coworker only to find out she's having his baby in some god forsaken African country.

  • At May 30, 2006 2:36 PM, Blogger Raincouver said…

    Well, that's some break-up diet alright. Who knew pizza had such a positive effect! You're going to be in excellent shape for the ambulance chasing marathon. Go cookie!

  • At May 30, 2006 3:34 PM, Blogger tommy said…

    Now that you're available Cookie, do you think we could......just joking. I'm sorry things didn't work out , but you never know what the future holds, your paths will likely cross again and next time with a different mind-set. Good luck in the race and hang in there.

  • At May 30, 2006 3:51 PM, Blogger Barbara said…

    It's probably good that you have this race to distract you from your recent love loss. Who knows? You might just meet another runner...

  • At May 31, 2006 1:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wait, 'Lawyers have heart'? In DC? Umm do we have any real evidence of this supposition? I mean really?? Cheers & Good Luck with the exercise! 'VJ'

  • At June 04, 2006 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG, the "breakup diet." So THAT's what they call it. Every time I break up with my on-again, off-again ex I lose between 5-10 pounds because I can't eat.

    This time, I discovered drinking more alchohol prevents the weight loss! Whee!

    Instead of running I've been bellydancing - I'm in the studio almost every day and now I have "runners knee" even though I don't run.

    "Pace Yourself:" Good advice whether running, dancing, drinking, or breaking up!


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