DC Cookie

Thursday, January 19, 2006


FOMO is a term used frequently in the HBS student circle, to which I was introduced over the holidays by Lil Sis (current HBS attendee). FOMO stands for 'fear of missing out.' I was self-diagnosed with a chronic variation of the condition since the age of 3.

Yesterday I had every intention of playing blog happy hour hooky. I was exhausted. My social schedule, work schedule, new handsome man and work-outs have left me with little time for myself. I'm a natural introvert who, despite my uncanny ability to socialize, requires a lot of alone time for self-introspection and decompression. When I don't get it, I become tired and cranky. I was trying to explain my sour-puss face to Charming Fellow on Tuesday night when I uttered, "SOMETHING has to give. I think I'm going to skip the blog happy hour, so I can have one day to myself this week." (I have plans for the next 5 days already lined up; it's laborious.).

I was hoping my subtle invite decline would go relatively undetected, However, I received an e-mail from the dynamic Circle V saying, "It ain't a party with you, sista. What's up with the no show tonight?" Oh, that woman knows how to pull on my heart strings. I then received an IM from the notorious haterade himself that [to paraphrase generously] the happy hour would be far more bearable were I to attend. I almost shed a tear. That's high praise from the Bachelor. Shortly thereafter, I received an e-mail with the subject 'boooo...' from DC Sports Chick that said, "What's this I see about you not going to the HH tonight?!? How is that even possible?" My FOMO then kicked into epileptic gear. I needed relief, so I checked in with Kathryn to verify whether or not she would still be at Mackey's around 9:30. When she said that she would, my fate was sealed. So, following my training class, cardio session, quick bonding moment at my house with my BFF and her precious and huggable tornado twins, and a piping hot shower, Scarletta and I sped over to the happy hour.

I waltzed in Cookie-style (doing the running man), and was astounded to see SO many blog-faces (one can only imagine how many more were in attendance earlier in the evening). With my FOMO successfully quelched into remission, I was satisified with my decision to attend. I have neither the time, nor the energy, to get into massive details about the night, but I'll leave with you a few highlights:
  • My theory about people with the name Jessica (that we all kick ass in many ways) is still fully intact.
  • So is my theory about Canadians.
  • I might just switch from ordering soco-lime or kamikaze shots to Manhattan apples (or whatever the heck they're called).
  • The meet-up is becoming even more diverse...but we're still all a bunch of nerds.
  • It amazes me the information people are willing to divulge when they are surrounded by media-types.
  • Patrick of DC Blogs deserves more than just a 'thank you.'
  • Kathryn's hostessing skills inspire me.
  • Reya and Barbara fascinate the hell out of me.
  • I was in rare form last night (drinking two waters to every one alcoholic beverage and remaining stone cold sober), but enjoyed this happy hour more than any other. Proof positive that I'm not a bona fide alcoholic, just a lush.
  • Also out-of-character, I took only one photo. You'll have to check Reya, i-66 or Marci for the photo log.

i66, jess, marci
Photo courtesy of Marci. Yes, that's a water in my hand. Perhaps it WAS a twilight-zone/zombie event after all.

As I drove the 15 minutes home last night following all the entertainment, positive attention and good times, I have determined, without a doubt, that it's going to have to be SOMETHING ELSE that gives...


  • At January 19, 2006 12:11 PM, Blogger A Unique Alias said…

    I dealt with a few FOMO bouts last night, but honestly, I'm glad I didn't go. I had business that needed businessing and damnit, it got businified.

    Next time . . .

  • At January 19, 2006 12:19 PM, Blogger Heather B. said…

    YOu missed me though, I know you did.


    I had a little of the FOMO as well, that is until I went to bed at 9:30 and that's kind of awesome.

  • At January 19, 2006 12:22 PM, Blogger I-66 said…

    I am so prophetic.

  • At January 19, 2006 12:23 PM, Blogger Phil said…

    Good to hear that Cookie appeared and all is right with the world..

  • At January 19, 2006 12:33 PM, Blogger GwenMarieDC said…

    OMG I have FOMO serious hardcore. I HATE missing out. But I did enjoy my bed last night. Hawaii jetlag is offically peacing out.

  • At January 19, 2006 1:01 PM, Blogger Kathryn Is So Over said…

    Sleep is what gives with you, is my historic observation.

    Cookie just keeps going, people.


  • At January 19, 2006 1:54 PM, Blogger DCSportsChick said…

    Glad I saw you there, even if it was only for a second! Fred filled me in on the rest :-)

  • At January 19, 2006 1:57 PM, Blogger VP of Dior said…

    nooooooo I missed the Cookster! I was there until 9PM. our paths keep crossing like ships in the night....

  • At January 19, 2006 2:00 PM, Blogger I-66 said…

    by the way, Cookie...

    I met someone last night who'd asked me what I did within 1 minute of conversation beginning. I winced inside.

  • At January 19, 2006 2:04 PM, Blogger DC Cookie said…

    If that had been combined with a jager shot, I would have high-fived the person!

  • At January 19, 2006 2:29 PM, Blogger Hammer said…

    Good to see ya, J.

    FYI, I have decided that if I do any future kung-fu stories involving bloggers, your kung fu name will be "Iron Cookie Double Fist."

  • At January 19, 2006 3:18 PM, Blogger I-66 said…

    Nay. Nary a thing was purchased.

    And might I suggest that Doublefist be the sub title of Iron Cookie's first kung-fu movie?

    Iron Cookie: Doublefist
    followed by Iron Cookie 2: It's only water

  • At January 19, 2006 3:23 PM, Blogger DC Cookie said…


  • At January 19, 2006 3:42 PM, Blogger Washington Cube said…

    You don't really miss out though, Cookie, because friends always call or im you the next day to give you the full low down on what happened. 2006. Water. The new cocktail. I put a lemon ring in mine and call it the "Zero Cocktail."

  • At January 19, 2006 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have some FOMO thoughts about a HH tomorrow night. I want some ME time, but I have FOMO, so I'll probably go. I went out last weekend, drinking the waters like you mentioned, and I had so much more fun that way, and felt great the next day! I should go to one of those HH's sometime soon, and meet up with everyone!

  • At January 19, 2006 5:17 PM, Blogger Marci said…

    I am so glad you gave a name to this syndrome, I suffer from FOMO myself but I do have to say it gets me a many a good time :)

  • At January 19, 2006 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It totally sucks that I missed you last night! But I wasn't in the best of moods anyway, so it was probably for the best.

  • At January 19, 2006 6:08 PM, Blogger kob said…

    Cookie, it so good to see a fellow scorpio last night. It was great fun. And "I do deserve more than thanks" -- the "most likely to get thrown off a bridge award."

  • At January 19, 2006 6:44 PM, Blogger alwswrite said…

    I'm glad I finally got a chance to meet you. Next time, more talk and less ambient noise :)

  • At January 19, 2006 9:31 PM, Blogger Carrie Broadshoulders said…

    'Scume? Blogger happy hour?

    When? Where? What am I missing out on?

    There were cocktails and I wasn't present? Screw you all.

  • At January 19, 2006 11:41 PM, Blogger O-FACE said…

    Amazing the tolerance the body can take when its time to socialize.

  • At January 20, 2006 9:04 AM, Blogger Reya Mellicker said…

    Besides your intelligence, charm and gorgeousness, you are really an important component of DC blogger chemistry. I understand now why we pout when you don't show up. So glad to meet you, and btw I find you fascinating, too.

  • At January 20, 2006 10:49 AM, Blogger Roar Savage said…

    Totally concur: Girls with the name "Jessica" are completely HOT! (And fabulous, and charming, and...)

    Great meeting you!

  • At January 21, 2006 3:00 PM, Blogger Barbara said…

    My husband, of all people, just pointed this out to me (we're going to make a blogger out of him yet). My biggest regret on Wednesday night was not getting a real chance to talk to you or Kathryn very much. By the time V and I finished our civilized conversation in the ladies room, I rushed out to look for Reya whom I was supposed to be giving a ride home and, failing to find her, decided to just pack it in and go home. For a moment, however, I had been tempted to go back into Mackey's, have all those conversations I intended to have, and maybe just tie one on and take a cab home. Anyway, maybe the next time we can catch up. I am fascinated by this whole scene of powerful intellectuals who also know how to have a very good time!


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