DC Cookie

Friday, December 16, 2005

The Benefit of Narcissism

Clearly, I like pictures of myself. I also like sharing pictures of myself with world wide web-sters. In one particularly gratifying moment last night, it became completely clear to me why I do it.


There I was, ordering a round of shots for the 12 partners in crime I went out with, when a girl I didn't recognize approached me. She said, "Excuse me, I just have to ask...are you DC Cookie?" My eyes lit up. There it was! My 15 seconds of fame. Somebody recognized me from my website. Unbeknownst to her (well, at least, before I told her 8 times), she had just made my entire week. Being a narcissistic attention whore clearly has it's benefits...

Smash - you SO have to be at our next blog-fest.

**Oh, and in case it wasn't clear, I clearly like the world clearly.


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