DC Cookie

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Evolution of a Cookie

Linz posted a comment about a horrible hairstyle trauma she had when she was younger that left a small scar on her childhood, which indirectly spawned the idea for this quickie post. Linz - when you see picture #3, you'll know I was right there with ya babe!

Who Is Cookie_Baby
The birth of Cookie.

Who Is Cookie_kid
Cookie as a self-confident, pretty little kid with pretty little curls.

Who Is Cookie_preteen
WHAT THE??? Yes. Preteen years are awkward. No way around it. I grew too fast, my hair turned kinky, I had braces, I wore baggy, cable-knit sweaters, and I thought bangs were a good idea (meant to hide the pimples, but only made them worse. Especially straight, with a curling iron dent, and hairspray - gawd, my poor parents!) Thank goodness that didn't last long!!

Who Is Cookie_HS
High school graduation. So the lipstick is a bit much and I hadn't met with an eyebrow waxer yet, but it certainly could have been worse. We're talking mid-90s here. At least the hair was under control.

Who Is Cookie_Adult
Cookie today. See - the braces did their job!


  • At August 01, 2005 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You blossomed until a beautiful woman.

  • At August 01, 2005 6:15 PM, Blogger DC Cookie said…

    I have my 10-year high school reunion coming up at the end of the year. Makes all those years of being called Birdwoman and having boys follow me around making horse noises not seem so bad anymore :-)

  • At August 01, 2005 6:46 PM, Blogger roosh said…

    you baby picture looks like my dad's combover

  • At August 01, 2005 7:53 PM, Blogger JB said…

    Just look at it this way: everything you had to go through as a kid led up to the way you are now!! ROCK ON!!!

  • At August 01, 2005 11:55 PM, Blogger Linz said…

    oh, Cookie, if i could have only looked like you in picture 3 at the age of 10-12 i would have been so freakin' happy!!!!!!! I would show you a pic of myself with the oh-so-heinous maw-maw do, except i think i burned them all :P
    and speaking of reunions, mine was saturday...guess i'll have to post on that one tomorrow!

  • At August 02, 2005 9:25 AM, Blogger Johnny said…

    So do you consider yourself a sergeant, or lieutenant in the 82nd, or are you a lowly private or corporal?


  • At August 02, 2005 9:38 AM, Blogger VP of Dior said…


  • At August 02, 2005 10:04 AM, Blogger Kathryn Is So Over said…

    I feel like I should share some of my old photos now. The 9th grade school photo springs to mind for some reason. I always had the tight smile to hide the braces, you let 'em gleam! I was not so confident...

    And as the Four-Star General of the 82nd Airborne, I'd say Cookie is more like a Private. She doesn't always avoid, lol...

  • At August 02, 2005 10:15 AM, Blogger DC Cookie said…

    Certainly not if I have a remote interest in the guy. Didn't get a lot of smooches as a pre-teen (as we can clearly see why), so I've just been making up for lost time...

  • At August 02, 2005 11:52 AM, Blogger Crazy Girl City said…

    Gawd. My 9th grade photo(circa 1990) comes with a lovely set of braces, that spiral perm, AND bangs. Hot.

  • At August 02, 2005 1:49 PM, Blogger Mamma Bear said…

    You are faaaaab, daaaarling.
    Uggg, the reunion. I do not even want to think about mine coming up, I have a year to prepare to see these people.

  • At August 02, 2005 2:15 PM, Blogger ikins said…

    Those curls reek havoc during the adolescent years. I too refused to grow out my bangs, wanting to have them because all my friends had them. The thing was though, I rarely every took a blowdryer to them to straighten, leaving me with Kramer-esque bangs (HOT! I know). My 2nd, 5th and 7th grade photos are still tramatizing.

    Never got the title "birdwoman" but "chia-pet" was the name of choice by my peers.

    Nowadays, guys seem to notice the under-control curls, which makes up for the those horrible hair years ;)

  • At August 02, 2005 2:50 PM, Blogger Phil said…

    I do not know a girl who looks hot from her high school photo, if said photo is 10+ years old.

    I don't know what it is - girls are more sophisticated nowadays, or the girls I grew up with just lived during an awful time for fashion. All the girls I thought were hot back in h.s. that looked normal then..but looking back now...yecchh.

    Can't say anything positive about myself either. Having braces in 12th grade, standing 6'4 and weighing about a buck sixty didn't do wonders for me either.

    Cute kid, Cookie.

  • At August 02, 2005 2:59 PM, Blogger DC Cookie said…

    6'4" and a buck-sixty! Just my type. MEOW!

  • At August 02, 2005 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My 10 year is coming up in October! It should be interesting.
    Let me tell you...I would NEVER post pictures of myself from junior high and high school...all those pictures have been destroyed, my friend.

  • At August 02, 2005 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    DC Cookie...
    I meant to say that you blossomed into a beautiful woman.
    (I am a bad typer)

  • At August 02, 2005 8:57 PM, Blogger Miss Penny Lane said…

    Girl, I have 70s and 80s hair photos to show you that rival yours! But, on the upside, I also have a lot of great stories about going back to my 10 year reunion after not seeing most everyone for the whole ten years. Man, that was gratifying as all hell!

  • At August 03, 2005 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You have a lot of teeth. A lot.

  • At August 03, 2005 10:21 AM, Blogger DC Cookie said…

    No more than anyone else. And my dentist gives me A+ for my upkeep. Can't help it. I'm just happy.

  • At August 03, 2005 10:31 AM, Blogger Phil said…

    Those teeth are ridiculously perfect.

    I endured two sets of braces, surgery, and they still wound up crooked. Had to settle for caps.

  • At August 03, 2005 2:03 PM, Blogger VP of Dior said…

    Cookie..Do you have plans for Thursday? I had an idea for a Local 16 meet-up...

  • At August 03, 2005 3:14 PM, Blogger DC Cookie said…

    Sounds fun. E-mail me: DCCookie@gmail.com


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