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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Comfort Zone

The most enjoyable part about getting to know someone new is coming to the point where you realize you can just be yourself. It's difficult when you break up with someone and have to face the idea of starting over. Women can be neurotic about it. 'How will I meet someone else?' 'I don't remember how to talk to guys' 'What if they only want me for one thing?' 'What if he doesn't like my cooking?' (Thank goodness I can't cook), 'My biological clock is ticking,' etc. It's that fear of the discovery process that often keeps women in unsatisfying relationships.

I recently saw a movie with STB. He called early and said 'let's grab some dinner first.' I told him I couldn't because I had to 'get ready.' He laughed and said 'forget it, I don't care...just come as you are.' He knew what I looked like fully decked out, make-up, heels, smell-goods. Now he wanted to experience the real me. He came to my door straight from work in a suit, and I was wearing jeans, a sweatshirt and flip-flops. Turned out to be the best date we had had - galavanting as the odd couple. There was no pretense. He still thought I was pretty, and I felt just 'that' much more comfortable conversing because I no longer felt the need to 'wow' him (turns out, he already was...go figure).

This is the fun part. The point at which you can admit your idiosyncrasies and laugh about them without panicking that he might think less of you (unless you're 35 and still sleeping with a stuffed animal...that's better kept to yourself). You don't know if you're going to end up with this guy, but you do know that you no longer have to be embarrassed when you burp. In fact, burping is now encouraged. Enjoy it!


  • At June 29, 2005 3:30 PM, Blogger The Captain said…

    Um, I'm gonna disagree here. I like my foolish little world in which women are perfect and never burp or fart.

    Sadly, my girlfriend has settled into that comfort zone, and sees fit to shatter this world every once in awhile.

    Then again, she's pretty normal compared to some of the crazies I dated in college, so I can look past this.


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